Saturday, January 16, 2010

Strategic Prayer

As most of you know, Regan was airlifted back to Kaiser LA on Tuesday morning. He had developed an upper respiratory infection which was causing him to cough repeatedly. Due to the severity of the cough, he caused some perforation in his lungs so they needed him to be in the ICU and be prepped for surgery.
We sent out a prayer alert and by the time we got to LA the perforation in his lungs had healed enough so that no surgery was needed, praise the Lord. He had a CAT scan on his lungs and they have found some spots, so they will be doing a procedure in the late morning (Sunday, the 17th). They will be inserting some saline into his lungs, withdrawing it, then running tests on the fluid to see what kind of infection is causing the spots to show up, either a fungus or bacteria. We are praying that nothing is found and the spots are gone in Jesus name!
Now that we are in LA we have meet with the Oncologists everyday. They say we will be there for 4 to 6 weeks, we say no to that!
They say his blood count will not start to go up anytime soon, we say his blood is healed in the name of Jesus.
They say his infection will not go away until his white blood cells start to come up in 4 weeks, we say this infection has to bow to the name of Jesus.
We are confident of the complete healing in Regan's body. That the leukemia will be eradicated from his body and that ALL glory will go to the Lord Jesus.

Every time the doctors give us a report we use that as a target in prayer. We stand on the word which says, "Indeed! Let God be true and every man a liar."

The Lord has directed us to pray Psalm 63 and 91 over Regan continually, as well as speaking his prophetic destiny over him, which is; Regan will go to the nations and preach the gospel with a healing anointing, he will be strategically used to save his generation. We continue to come before the Lord with praise and thanksgiving, knowing we serve a faithful God. Please join us as we go after these specific targets.

I wanted to share this picture of Regan, he is sleeping, but his hand is on his bible.
He is going through his bible and highlighting all the healing scriptures and underlining the word ALL. He is discovering for himself that the word says, He heals ALL our diseases and forgives ALL our iniquities. He is speaking the word over his body and thanking Him for his healing. It is so precious to see his faith growing and how he is having revelation of who God is. His faith inspires me, his strength keeps me strong, and his joy is contagious. What a mighty man of valor he is, I can see how the Lord is going to use him for great and mighty things!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Only Believe

In our daily reading yesterday, I was struck by the words Jesus used when addressing Jairus. He had come to Jesus begging Him to come to his house because his only daughter was dying. As Jesus began to make His way to Jairus' house a crowd thronged Him and a woman, having a flow of blood for 12 years, who could not be healed by any, came from behind and touched the hem of Jesus' garment and immediately her flow of blood stopped. (Luke 8:44) As he was addressing this woman someone came from Jairus' house saying to him, "Your daughter is dead. Do not trouble the Teacher." But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, "Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will be made well."
Jesus was not at all moved by this bad report, His immediate response to Jairus was, Do Not Be Afraid! He made sure Jairus gave absolutely no room to fear. Instead He encourages him to only believe, in other words, have faith in God! He says your daughter will be made well. Those are faith filled words that shaped what was not seen. He didn't even give Jairus a chance to react or speak. Why? Because He knows how weak we are. He knows how quick we are to react to bad news and focus on the problem not the solution!
This has become such a precious verse to us. As we read it we are reminded to only believe what the Word says and Regan will be made well! We have chosen to give no place to fear instead we choose to exercise our faith and speak faith filled words that continue to shape the unseen. We are not moved by what we see in the natural or hear from the Dr.'s. We stand firmly planted on what the Word says, according to 1 Peter 2:24, "By His stripes we were healed." Regan is already healed. His body just needs to line up with the Word, and we know it will.
We continue to thank and praise the Lord for Regan's healing. We know the Lord inhabits the praises of His people.
We are so thankful to all who have gathered to pray and stand in the gap for Regan. We look forward to the victory celebration when we get to give ALL the glory to God, for He is always faithful to His Word!

Todd and Erin

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Prayer and Fasting

Regan is back in the hospital for his third round of Chemo. He went in the Tuesday after Christmas. Todd and Regan surprised the family by coming home Christmas Eve. What a celebration we had! It was a precious gift from the Lord to be together as a family celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus.

Todd and I were impressed of the Lord to fast the first 21 days of the new year. The Lord reminded us of Daniel when he prayed and fasted for Jerusalem and an angel of the Lord appeared to him saying, "Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words." But it doesn't end there, the angel goes on to say he was delayed 21 days and needed help from Michael who is a senior angel. Daniel's prayer coupled with fasting brought about change. The angel says to him again in Daniel 10:19 "O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!"
We know our prayers for Regan have been heard and that healing is coming! We are continuing steadfast in prayer with fasting, knowing that God is faithful to His word. I have included some scriptures that people got for Regan as well as prayer meetings that are happening daily based on Acts 12:5 "but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church." We know the 'effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man avails much!' We are so thankful for our church family who are standing in faith with us for Regan's healing to manifest.
Constant prayer for Regan:

Word from the Lord:
Psalm 121- I will lift eyes to the hills
John 11:4- This sickness is not unto death
Phil 4:6&7- Be anxious for nothing... With Thanksgiving
Acts 12:5- But constant prayer was offered for him
Matt 17:12- This kind does not go out without prayer
Psalm 91:7- But it shall not come near you
Mal 4:2- W/ healing.. Son of righteousness will rise
Neh 4:9- Set watch and night
Psalm 103:20-21-Angel do "the word" when we speak it
Dan 10:12-From the first day your words were heard
Luke 11:2- Your kingdom come..Your will be done
1 John 5:14- Ask according to his will- He hears- we know we have it

1) Regan is completely healed
2) God gets ALL the glory
3) Regan's calling is fulfilled
(Be anxious for nothing...with Thanksgiving; Stance of victory-not caught off guard with test results;
Trust is in the Lord)


Daily Prayer @ 8:30am (Monday-Saturday)
  • Gregg and Jessica Johnson home (January 1-6 only)
  • Daniel and Julia Davenport home (January 7-until otherwise notified)
Daily Prayer @ 12pm (Monday-Friday)
  • West auditorium
Daily Prayer @ 7:30pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday)
  • Robert and Yolie Arevalos home

Please contact individuals for their addresses.